Ban Caya Christmas Edition Piedra Plat


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Ban Caya Christmas Edition Piedra Plat

Ban Caya Xmas Edition

Get ready for the Ban Caya X-mas Edition, a festive extravaganza happening right in the heart of the Piedra Plat neighborhood!

Picture this: The street in front of Centro Famia Piedra Plat and Centro di Bario Piedra Plat will be magically closed off, transforming into Santa's enchanting Christmas village. It's a spectacle you won't want to miss!

Join us for an unforgettable Christmas celebration with the Piedra Plat family. The event kicks off at 4:00 pm and goes until 8:00 pm, but the anticipation starts earlier as the street gets ready to welcome you, closing from 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Don't miss out on the joy, laughter, and festive cheer! See you at Ban Caya X-mas Edition—where the magic of Christmas comes alive in Piedra Plat.

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Fecha y hora
domingo diciembre 10, 2023
4:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. (America/La_Paz)

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