Ban Caya

Noord 2023

Ban Caya first edition!

In the heart of our vibrant community of Noord we had our first edition of Ban Caya! This event is living proof of the incredible potential that can be unlocked when diverse entities join forces with a shared vision. Ban Caya is an initiative born from the collaboration between CEDE and IBISA with a shared vision to build a stronger, healthier, and more connected community.

Ban Caya first edition witnessed the presence of forty different organizations. It was remarkable to see each organization bring their own flavor to the event. From exhilarating sports competitions to interactive workshops on health and nutrition, every moment was a chance to learn and grow.

Families, neighbors, and friends all mingled on this day. The day was filled with laughter and lots of playtime for children. We had a kid's corner filled with entertainment from dino jumps to beautiful dance presentations. There was also a hot wheel’s corner where you could presence competitions and buy hot wheels miniature cars.

As we unveiled and inaugurated the WAW mobile, we celebrated not only its physical presence but also the possibilities it brings. It is a mobile hub aiming to create learning and recreational opportunities for children in their neighborhood.

As we reflect on this day, let’s remember the essence of this project: to foster healthy habits and bring the community together!

Ban Caya X-Mas Edition
Piedra PlatDecember 10, 2023